Newborn Care
The first weeks of a baby's life are challenging, especially if you are a first-time parent. For months all you want to do is hold your baby between your arms, but when that moment arrives, many doubts will come to your mind, and it is only natural that you feel frustrated.
Every parent has been there, grandma can confirm that. You feel exhausted after a long day with a crying baby, not knowing what he needs. But we also know how to make it easier for you. You need to understand that your baby has basic needs, and crying is how he communicates. If you quickly learn to read his signs and satisfy his needs, you will be able to enjoy those unique moments with your newborn.
Newborns feel fragile, they are not capable of supporting its head, and they can be intimidating. Before you leave the hospital, you must feel comfortable holding your baby. Here are some basics about handling a newborn.
- Always wash your hands and ask visitors to follow the rule. Newborns' immune system is developing, and they are at higher risk of contracting infections.
- Focus your support on your baby's head.
- Make sure you secure your baby correctly to the car seat, stroller, or bouncer. Newborns are tiny and can easily slip off any of them.
- Avoid shaking your newborn. Sudden and harsh movements can cause brain damage. The times to play rough will soon arrive. For the moment, your baby needs you to be gentle.
Your newborn will sleep over 15 hours per day, in periods of 2 to 4 hours. You must focus your attention on providing safe sleeping conditions and not worrying if your newborn does not sleep through the night for the first months. Follow the following practices to reduce the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)
- Place your newborn on his back.
- Share the bedroom with your newborn for the first 6 to 12 months.
- Find a firm mattress for its crib.
- Keep the crib cleared from blankets, stuffed animals, pillows, and any other object.
- Swaddle your newborn to help him feel secure and comfortable.
Bathing a newborn might look easy at the hospital, but the first time you try it at home, you are in for an adventure. Our biggest advice is to prepare everything before and have it as accessible as possible because once your baby is in the water, you can not move from there, and you only have one free hand. The other one should be supporting your baby's head. Here are other considerations you want to take when bathing your newborn.
- Give your newborn sponge baths until the umbilical cord heals. Avoid submerging your baby for quicker healing.
- Have everything ready: soap, washcloth, towel, cream, diaper, clean clothes.
- Prefer mild unscented soap especially made for babies.
- Use 100% cotton towel and washcloth.
- Check the temperature of the water. It should be warm, not hot.
- Never leave the baby unattended.
Feeding and Burping
You will be surprised by how often your baby needs to be fed, but his tiny stomach will keep you busy during the first months. If you choose to breastfeed, the recommendation is to feed your baby on demand, which means as often as he needs, there are no schedules or regular times. When you choose formula, you can track how much he is eating, and you can schedule accordingly.
A newborn will need your help to burp the air he swallows while being fed. Burping your baby often will prevent fussiness caused by gas trapped in his tiny body. Always support your newborn head while gently tapping on his back.
We at Mummo Creamer offer products for every stage of your newborn, like our cotton hooded baby towel and washcloth, stroller blanket, and rattle gift sets. They are thoughtful gifts made with high quality materials and care, ideal for a grandma to show her love.
Having a newborn is a unique experience. Enjoy every day with your newborn as he discovers the world around him. Those are moments you must treasure because they never come back.